Application deadline is December 7, 2005. All inquiries reeceived after this date will not be replied to.

Please email us at:

We will email you an application.

We will be giving food, clothing, toys and gifts (children ages 13 and under).

If you do not have email access, please call us at 565-3271 between December 1st through December 7th for information on how to apply for help.

Please do not call to follow up on your application as it will not expedite the process.All appointments will be scheduled not later than December 21st. Please do not email us, come to our location, or call and leave a message prior to December 21st. Doing so may disqualify you from receiving help from us this year because it slows us down.

During the holiday season our phones will not be monitored or answered, so please do not leave a message. Simply follow the instrucitons in the email we send you or if you do not have email, follow the instructions on the recording.

Our voice mail has capacity for only 35 voice mails. Once these slots are filled, our message can not be played. Please do not leave a message as it prevents others from hearing our recording. We WILL NOT be checking for messages until January 2006, so please do not leave any messages.

We reserve the right to disqualify those who do not follow these guidelines, as it prevents us from helping everyone.